These are the things I have written over the past years.
Moduli spaces of semiorthogonal decompositions in families
with an appendix jointly with Wendy Lowen
Graph potentials and topological quantum field theories
Projectivity and effective global generation of determinantal line bundles on quiver moduli
Hochschild cohomology of Hilbert schemes of points on surfaces
Rigidity and Schofield's partial tilting conjecture for quiver moduli
On decompositions for Fano schemes of intersections of two quadrics
Central curves on noncommutative surfaces
The Albanese morphism for hyperelliptic varieties
Accepted for publication
Homological projective duality for the Segre cubic
accepted for publication in Proceedings of Nottingham Algebraic Geometry Seminar,
Vector fields and admissible embeddings for quiver moduli
accepted for publication in Moduli,
Embeddings of algebras in derived categories of surfaces
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, volume 145, number 7, 2017, pages 2757–2770
arXiv1501.04197 MR3637928 Zbl1378.16035 doi10.1090/proc/13497
The point variety of quantum polynomial rings
Journal of Algebra, volume 463, 2016, pages 10–22
arXiv1509.07312 MR3527537 Zbl1454.14043 doi10.1016/j.jalgebra.2016.06.013
Derived categories of noncommutative quadrics and Hilbert squares
IMRN, volume 2020, issue 19, pages 6042–6069
arXiv1605.02795 MR4165471 Zbl1481.14034 doi10.1093/imrn/rny192
Relative tensor triangular Chow groups for coherent algebras
Journal of Algebra, volume 487, 2017, pages 386–428
arXiv1607.03423 MR3671198 Zbl1400.14049 doi10.1016/j.jalgebra.2017.05.024
Hochschild cohomology of noncommutative planes and quadrics
Journal of Noncommutative Geometry, volume 13, 2019, pages 769–795
Constructing noncommutative surfaces with exceptional collections of length 4
Journal of the London Mathematical Society (2), volume 98, 2018, pages 85–103
arXiv1705.06943 MR3847233 Zbl1441.14008 doi10.1112/jlms.12126
Examples violating Golyshev's canonical strip hypothesis
Experimental Mathematics, volume 31 (1), 2022, pages 233–237,
see also the related repositories
arXiv1806.07648 MR4399121 Zbl1485.14071 doi10.1080/10586458.2019.1602571
Admissible subcategories in derived categories of moduli of vector bundles on curves
Advances in Mathematics, volume 351, 2019, pages 653–675
arXiv1807.00216 MR3954042 Zbl1440.14079 doi10.1016/j.aim.2019.05.019
Hilbert squares: derived categories and deformations
Selecta Mathematica, volume 25, 2019, paper 37
arXiv1810.11873 MR3950704 Zbl1423.14115 doi10.1007/s00029-019-0482-y
Automorphisms of Hilbert schemes of points on surfaces
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, volume 373 (9), 2020, pages 6139–6156
arXiv1907.07064 MR4155174 Zbl1451.14008 doi10.1090/tran/8106
Derived categories of standard flips and cubic hypersurfaces
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, volume 125 (6), 2022, pages 1452–1482
arXiv2002.04940 MR4524222 Zbl1520.14029 doi10.1112/plms.12487
Derived categories of the Cayley plane and the coadjoint Grassmannian in type F
Transformation Groups, volume 28, 2023, pages 9–34
arXiv2005.01989 MR4552169 Zbl1517.14031 doi10.1007/s00031-021-09657-w
Projectivity of the moduli space of vector bundles on a curve
SPEC: Stacks Project Expository Collection, chapter 3, pages 90–125
arXiv2206.06195 MR4480534 Zbl1506.14072 doi10.1017/9781009051897.005
Decompositions of moduli spaces of vector bundles and graph potentials
Forum of Mathematics, Sigma, volume 11:e16, 2023, pages 1–28
arXiv2009.05568v3 MR4557892 Zbl1525.14016 doi10.1017/fms.2023.14
Polyvector fields for Fano 3-folds
Mathematische Zeitschrift, volume 304, 12 (2023)
arXiv2104.07626 MR4578397 Zbl1516.14077 doi10.1007/s00209-023-03261-2
Hochschild cohomology of generalised Grassmannians
Documenta Mathematica, volume 28 (2023), number 1, pages 11–53
Derived categories of (nested) Hilbert schemes
Michigan Mathematical Journal, volume 74, number 1, pages 167–187
arXiv1909.04321 MR4718496 Zbl1540.14008 doi10.1307/mmj/20216092
On Chow rings of quiver moduli
IMRN, volume 2024, issue 13, pages 10255–10272
Preprints needing revision
Comparison of two constructions of noncommutative surfaces with exceptional collections of length 4
We will retitle this to "The Hirzebruch isomorphism for exotic noncommutative surfaces".
Indecomposability of derived categories in families
Graph potentials and symplectic geometry of moduli spaces of vector bundles
Preprints nearing completion
Can you hear the shape of a random walk?
available upon request, previously titled A combinatorial non-abelian Torelli theorem and random walks
Other publications
Semiorthogonal decompositions for moduli of sheaves on curves
Oberwolfach Reports 24/2018, Interactions between Algebraic Geometry and Noncommutative Algebra, pages 1473–1476
Comparing definitions of Hochschild cohomology for algebraic stacks
Advances in Mathematics, volume 364, 2020
appendix to The Hochschild cohomology ring of a global quotient orbifold, by Cris Negron and Travis Schedler
arXiv1809.08715 MR4057490 Zbl1435.14005 doi10.1016/j.aim.2020.106978
How do semiorthogonal decompositions behave in families?
Oberwolfach Reports 19/2020, Algebraic Geometry: Moduli Spaces, Birational Geometry and Derived Aspects, pages 985–989
Projectivity of good moduli spaces of semistable quiver representations and vector bundles
Oberwolfach Reports 22/2022, Interactions between Algebraic Geometry and Noncommutative Algebra
Mirror symmetry for moduli of rank 2 bundles on a curve
Oberwolfach Reports 32/2022, Algebraic Geometry: Moduli Spaces, Birational Geometry and Derived Aspects
Hochschild cohomology of Hilbert schemes of points
Oberwolfach Reports 20/2024, Hochschild (co)homology and applications
Algebraic geometry & noncommutative projective varieties
Oberwolfach Reports 44/2024, Algebraic geometry & noncommutative projective varieties
For a broader audience
Het Stacks project
Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde (serie 5), volume 21 (3), 2020, pages 167–173
Curating Online Mathematical Resources
Notices of the American Mathematical Society, volume 69 (9), 2021, pages 1524–1527
The periodic tables of algebraic geometry
Snapshots of modern mathematics from Oberwolfach, 2023, number 2
Lecture notes
Stratification of triangulated categories
notes for the lecture series by Henning Krause at the summer school on derived categories in Nantes (with corrections by Henning Krause, thanks!)
Grothendieck duality
notes for a lecture series on Grothendieck duality for a graduate student seminar
Hochschild (co)homology, and the Hochschild–Kostant–Rosenberg decomposition
lecture notes for Advanced Topics in Algebra, a course from 2018 at the University of Bonn (to be expanded in the future)
Not intended for publication
Segre symbols
short note defining Segre symbols as a method of classifying base loci of pencils of quadric hypersurfaces
Artin–Schelter regular algebras versus smooth projective varieties
short note, possibly to be extended at some point
Non-mathematical writing
The fugue and the guitar
final project for my composition course (in Dutch)
Editorial work

Stacks Project Expository Collection, published by Cambridge University Press in the London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series, number 480
Table of contents (with links to preprint versions of chapters whenever available)
- Projectivity of the moduli of curves, by Raymond Cheng, Carl Lian and Takumi Murayama
- The stack of admissible covers is algebraic, by Elsa Corniani, Neeraj Deshmukh, Brett Nasserden, Emanuel Reinecke, Nawaz Sultani and Rachel Webb
- Projectivity of the moduli space of vector bundles on a curve, by Jarod Alper, Pieter Belmans, Daniel Bragg, Jason Liang and Tuomas Tajakka
- Boundedness of semistable sheaves, by Haoyang Guo, Sanal Shivaprasad, Dylan Spence and Yueqiao Wu
- Theorem of the Base, by Raymond Cheng, Lena Ji, Matt Larson and Noah Olander
- Weil restriction for schemes and beyond, by Lena Ji, Shizhang Li, Patrick McFaddin, Drew Moore and Matthew Stevenson
- Heights over finitely generated fields, by Stephen McKean and Soumya Sankar
- An explicit self-duality, by Nikolas Kuhn, Devlin Mallory, Vaidehee Thatte and Kirsten Wickelgren
- Tannakian reconstruction of coalgebroids, by Yifei Zhao
I have written reviews forSome other notes
You might also be interested in my blog, where various things that could also have been pdf's are written in html. The notes that are listed in what follows are less polished or less important (which is a vague opinion anyway) than the ones listed above as lecture notes or not intended for publication, or they are purely of expository and standard nature.
- On $\int\mathrm{td}_X^{1/2}$ of O'Grady's exceptional hyperkähler varieties (short note on a computation, see also the accompanying code)
- Hochschild–Kostant–Rosenberg decomposition for surfaces, dimensions of components in the Hochschild–Kostant–Rosenberg decomposition for surfaces relevant to deformation theory
- The restriction of a homotopy-injective complex to a Zariski open subset is not necessarily homotopy-injective, details for the construction of such a complex, based on an explanation by Leonid Positselski
- Cheat sheet for mutations, because remembering where left and right goes is difficult
- Cheat sheet for the simplicial indexing category, in case you always forget the notation (like me)
- Cheat sheet for recollements, the definition of a recollement and how to remember it
- The torsor for a formally smooth morphism, rough notes related to my lecture on lifting along a smooth morphism for ANAGRAMS about Hodge-to-de Rham degeneration
- Spectral sequences: examples in algebra and algebraic geometry, notes for my lecture for ANAGRAMS about spectral sequences
- Quivers of exceptional collections on smooth projective varieties, poster for the British Algebraic Geometry meeting
- Positselski's main lemma, a short note elaborating on a lemma of Positselski that recognises vector bundles in the derived category
- Depth, and measuring singularities, notes for my short lecture for ANAGRAMS in the series on dimension functions
- The $(\infty,1)$-topos of derived stacks, notes for my lecture at the Winter school on derived algebraic geometry
- Understanding $\mathbf{D}^{\mathrm{b}}(kQ)$ using moduli spaces, slides for my lecture at Young researchers in representation theory
- The triangulated structure on the category of projectives, notes for my lecture at the Summer school on preprojective algebras
- The derived Torelli theorem, notes for my lectures at the summer seminar in algebraic geometry of Columbia University and my exam for Surfaces K3 et théorie des déformations
- Grothendieck topologies and étale cohomology, notes for my lecture for the course Fonctions zêta et L de variétés et de motifs
- The derived stack of perfect complexes, notes for my lecture in Autour de la Géométrie Algébrique Dérivée, subsumed in the notes of the seminar
- Differential graded categories, notes for my lecture in Autour de la Géométrie Algébrique Dérivée, subsumed in the notes of the seminar