I have a healthy interest in using computers for mathematics, in different ways.

Online mathematics

I've created interactive classifications:

I also maintain the (infrastructure for) the following websites:

Computational mathematics

I've implemented the following (hopefully useful) tools:

  • Hodge diamond cutter
    a tool to work with Hodge diamonds, comes with many varieties and constructions built into it
  • QuiverTools
    a toolset to work with quivers and moduli of quiver representations
  • twisted-hodge-hilbert, Sage library to compute twisted Hodge numbers of Hilbert schemes of points
  • twisted-hodge-ci, Sage library to compute twisted Hodge numbers of complete intersections, joint with Piet Glas


  • gerby-project, the system underlying the Stacks project, Kerodon, and other large online mathematical texts
  • bibgetter, automatically resolve MathSciNet and arXiv identifiers in LaTeX for bibliography management


I also have smaller (and older) projects: