I have a healthy interest in using computers for mathematics, in different ways.
Online mathematics
I've created interactive classifications:
a tool to visually study the geography of Fano 3-folds -
a periodic table of (generalised) Grassmannians -
the geography of irreducible holomorphic symplectic (or hyperkähler) varieties -
the geometry of $\overline{\mathrm{M}}_{g,n}$ -
interactive geography of (minimal) complex algebraic smooth surfaces -
cubic fourfolds and their associated K3 surfaces
I also maintain the (infrastructure for) the following websites:
an open source textbook and reference work on algebraic geometry -
a website for things related to noncommutative algebraic geometry -
an online resource for homotopy-coherent mathematics
I've implemented the following (hopefully useful) tools:
- Hodge diamond cutter
a tool to work with Hodge diamonds, comes with many varieties and constructions built into it - QuiverTools
a toolset to work with quivers and moduli of quiver representations twisted-hodge
, Sage library to compute twisted Hodge numbers of complete intersections, joint with Piet Glasgerby-project
, the system underlying the Stacks project, Kerodon, and other large online mathematical texts
currently not functioning:
, automatically resolve MathSciNet and arXiv identifiers in LaTeX for bibliography management
(after the MathSciNet update this no longer works, I will look into it in due time)
I also have smaller (and older) projects:
An atlas for $\mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}\mathbb{Z}[x]$, a collection of pictures for the geometric intuition behind $\mathop{\mathrm{Spec}}\mathbb{Z}[x]$
comparison of topologies on $\mathrm{Sch}/S$, an incomplete comparison of all the Grothendieck topologies on the category of schemes I could find, together with their properties
cohomology of twists of the structure sheaf and Hodge diamonds for complete intersections: in the case of a complete intersection it is not too difficult to compute the dimensions of the cohomology spaces of (twists of) the structure sheaf, thereby visualising Serre duality, and similarly one can compute the Hodge diamond