- June 25
- Representation-theoretic algorithms for algebraic geometry
- Heidelberg Experimental Geometry Lab seminar, Heidelberg
- April 23
- Algorithms for quivers and quiver moduli
- Netherlands Mathematical Congress, Soesterberg
- April 2
- Fano moduli for curves and quivers
- Fano varieties in Stavanger, Stavanger
- February 4
- Moduli of vector bundles and quiver representations
- Mathematical Institute Colloquium, Utrecht
- January 14
- Noncommutative plane curves through the looking glass
- Algebraic geometry seminar, Utrecht
- December 10
- Noncommutative plane curves through the looking glass
- Cologne Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar, Cologne
- November 25
- A novel topological quantum field theory in mirror symmetry
- Geometry & Topology seminar, Luxembourg
- September 13
- Hochschild cohomology of Hilbert schemes of points
- DT theory and derived categories, Paris
- June 25
- A panorama of quiver moduli
- Moselle--Upper Rhine Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Strasbourg
- April 24
- Hochschild cohomology of Hilbert schemes of points
- LAGOON seminar (online)
- April 18
- Hochschild cohomology of Hilbert schemes of points
- Hochschild cohomology and applications, Oberwolfach
- March 20
- Hochschild cohomology of Hilbert schemes of points
- Séminaire ALPE, Montpellier
- February 6
- Chow rings, geometry and derived categories of quiver moduli
- Academia Sinica (online)
- January 24
- Deformations, symmetries, and derived categories of quiver moduli
- Fano and hyperkähler varieties in Genova
- December 20
- Similarities between moduli of vector bundles on curves and quiver representations
- Young Scholar Day, Belgian Mathematical Society
- September 13
- Hochschild cohomology of Hilbert schemes of points
- Radboud University, Nijmegen
- June 29
- Deformations and derived categories of quiver moduli
- Seminar Algebraic Geometry, Max Planck Institute
- February 13
- Graph potentials, TQFTs and mirror symmetry
- Centre for Quantum Mathematics at the University of Southern Denmark
- January 10
- Hochschild cohomology of Hilbert schemes of points
- Fano varieties and hyperkähler varieties, Strasbourg
- December 14
- Quiver GIT without the GIT
- Geometric representation theory and quantum topology, Paris
- November 23
- Hochschild cohomology of symmetric quotient stacks
- Algebraic geometry and representation theory Oberseminar, University of Paderborn
- September 9
- Mirror symmetry for moduli of rank 2 bundles on curves
- Algebraic geometry seminar, University of Bogotá
- August 25
- Mirror symmetry for moduli of rank 2 bundles on curves
- Geometry and quantum theory: Graduate school and colloquium, Utrecht
- July 14
- Mirror symmetry for moduli of rank 2 bundles on curves
- Algebraic geometry: moduli spaces, birational geometry and derived aspects, Oberwolfach
- June 30
- Homological projective duality for the Segre cubic
- Derived categories and birational geometry, University of Milan
- May 3
- Projectivity of good moduli spaces of semistable quiver representations and vector bundles
- Interactions between algebraic geometry and noncommutative algebra, Oberwolfach
- February 9
- Graph potentials, TQFTs and mirror partners
- Algebraic geometry seminar, Goethe Universität Frankurt
- November 16
- The noncommutative Hirzebruch isomorphism for exotic noncommutative surfaces
- Derived seminar (online)
- September 8
- Rozansky–Witten invariants of hyperkähler manifolds
- Hausdorff school on Hyperkähler geometry, University of Bonn
- June 15
- Hochschild cohomology of Fano 3-folds
- Emmy Noether Kolloquium (online), University of Mainz
- June 1
- Automorphisms and deformations of Hilbert schemes of points on surfaces
- Online seminar, Chennai Mathematical Institute
- February 4
- Hochschild cohomology of partial flag varieties and Fano 3-folds
- Online Algebraic Geometry Seminar (online), Nottingham University
- November 18
- Moduli spaces of semiorthogonal decompositions
- Geometry – Algebra seminar (online), University of Edinburgh
- November 11
- Graph potentials as mirrors to moduli of vector bundles on curves
- Algebra seminar (online), Rutgers University
- October 9
- Graph potentials as mirrors to moduli of vector bundles on curves
- Geometry & Topology seminar (online), Imperial College
- October 6
- Graph potentials as mirrors to moduli of vector bundles on curves
- Freemath seminar (online)
- July 13
- How do semiorthogonal decompositions behave in families?
- Moduli spaces, birational geometry and derived aspects, Oberwolfach
- July 3
- Geometrisation of solutions of the associative Yang–Baxter equation (after Polishchuk)
- arXiv seminar in representation theory (online), University of Bonn
- June 16
- Pfaffian–Grassmannian duality
- Homological projective duality seminar (online), University of Bonn
- June 5
- The quadratic Fano correspondence for cubic hypersurfaces via derived categories
- Algebraic geometry seminar (online), University of Hannover
- February 19
- Moduli spaces of semiorthogonal decompositions
- Derived categories and geometry of algebraic varieties, TIFR, Mumbai
- December 13
- Deformations of Hilbert schemes of points through derived categories
- Algebraic geometry seminar, University of Freiburg
- December 3
- Deformations of Hilbert schemes of points through derived categories
- Algebraic geometry seminar, University of Birmingham
- November 26
- Nakajima quiver varieties and their fixed points
- Quantum groups and quantum cohomology of symplectic varieties, University of Bonn
- September 12
- Indecomposability for symmetric powers of curves
- The geometry of derived categories, Liverpool
- June 25
- Deformations of Hilbert schemes of points through derived categories
- Workshop on derived categories, moduli spaces and deformation theory, Cetraro
- June 18
- Fano visitors and hyperkähler varieties
- SFB Seminar on Problems and recent developments in hyperkähler geometry, University of Bonn
- June 5
- Deformations of Hilbert schemes of points through derived categories
- Arithmetic and algebraic geometry seminar, University of Amsterdam
- May 31
- The 2-category $\operatorname{Hilb}S$
- Heisenberg categorification seminar, Bonn
- May 29
- Deformations of Hilbert schemes of points through derived categories
- Algebraic and arithmetic geometry Oberseminar, University of Bielefeld
- March 26
- Derived categories of Hilbert schemes and moduli of vector bundles
- One day of algebraic geometry, University of Milan
- January 21
- Deformation theory of Hilbert squares through derived categories
- Algebraic geometry seminar, University of Marburg
- January 9
- Hochschild cohomology of partial flag varieties
- Algebra seminar, University of Glasgow
- November 30
- Noncommutative projective planes and Hilbert schemes of points
- Emmy Noether seminar, University of Erlangen
- November 28
- Deformation theory of Hilbert squares through derived categories
- Algebraic geometry seminar, University of Augsburg
- June 21
- Derived categories of moduli of vector bundles on a curve
- Seminar Algebraic Geometry, Max Planck Institute
- May 31
- Derived categories of moduli of sheaves on curves
- Interactions between algebraic geometry and noncommutative algebra, Oberwolfach
- April 19
- Moduli of sheaves on (noncommutative) surfaces
- Workshop: Sheaves, curves, and moduli, University of Stavanger
- March 16
- A semiorthogonal decomposition for moduli of vector bundles on a curve?
- Antwerp Algebra seminar, University of Antwerp
- March 13
- Deformations of Hilbert schemes of points
- Geometry and algebra, geometry and analysis (GAGA) seminar, University of Utrecht
- December 15
- Surface-like algebras of rank 4 and blowups in fat points
- Oberseminar Representation theory, University of Bonn
- November 23
- Hilbert schemes of points and the Hochschild–Kostant–Rosenberg decomposition
- Kolloquium, University of Mainz
- November 20
- Deformations of Hilbert schemes and the Hochschild cohomology of surfaces
- Oberseminar Algebraic geometry, University of Bochum
- September 26
- Blowups in fat points and Hirzebruch surfaces
- Noncommutative algebraic geometry and related topics, RIMS, Kyoto
- September 9
- Hochschild-Kostant-Rosenberg decomposition versus noncommutative surfaces
- Vector bundles on algebraic curves, University of Essen
- June 27
- Derived categories of noncommutative quadrics and Hilbert schemes of points
- Séminaire de Géométrie algébrique, champs et homotopie, University of Toulouse
- June 13
- A class of noncommutative Hirzebruch surfaces
- Algebra seminar, Free University of Brussels
- June 2
- Fully faithful functors versus Hochschild-Kostant-Rosenberg
- Derived noncommutative geometry, University of Bonn
- April 21
- Hochschild cohomology of noncommutative planes and quadrics
- Representation theory seminar, University of Bielefeld
- March 30
- Jacobi polynomials, flag varieties and Hochschild cohomology
- Algebra seminar, University of Ghent
- March 21
- Exceptional collections, mutations and Serre functors (preseminar)
- Construction of noncommutative surfaces of rank 4
- MAXIMALS, University of Edinburgh
- March 17
- Borel–Weil–Bott, Jacobi polynomials and Hochschild cohomology
- Antwerp Algebra Seminar, University of Antwerp
- December 5
- Hilbert schemes of points, and noncommutative planes and quadrics
- Generalized geometry and noncommutative algebra, Oxford University
- October 28
- Hochschild cohomology of noncommutative planes and quadrics
- Representation theory seminar, University of Bonn
- September 12
- Hochschild cohomology of noncommutative planes and quadrics
- Bridges between noncommutative algebra and algebraic geometry, Banff
- June 7
- Geometricity of noncommutative quadrics and Orlov's conjecture
- Seminar in Algebra, Geometry and Quantization, Université de Luxembourg
- March 11
- Deformations of abelian categories and commutative embeddings of noncommutative quadrics
- Topology seminar, Université de Lille 1
- March 4
- Derived categories of noncommutative quadrics and Hilbert schemes of points
- Antwerp Algebra Seminar, University of Antwerp
- October 13
- Derived categories of noncommutative quadrics and Hilbert schemes of points
- Algebraic structures of Hochschild complexes, University of Copenhagen
- July 9
- Derived categories of noncommutative quadrics and Hilbert schemes of points (video)
- Workshop on Geometric Algebra, Fields Institute, Toronto
- October 31
- Quivers of strong exceptional collections on smooth projective varieties
- Antwerp Algebra Seminar, University of Antwerp
- September 22
- Quivers of exceptional collections on smooth projective varieties (poster)
- poster presentation at the British Algebraic Geometry meeting, University of Warwick
- January
- series of four lectures on Grothendieck duality (notes)
- Antwerp Algebraic Geometry, Rings And More Seminar, University of Antwerp
- November 20
- The $(\infty,1)$-topos of derived stacks (notes)
- Winter school on derived algebraic geometry, Flumserberg
- October 9
- Understanding $\mathbf{D}^{\mathrm{b}}(kQ)$ using moduli spaces (slides)
- Young researchers in representation theory, University of Wüppertal
- October 9
- The moduli space of finite-dimensional algebras
- Young researchers in representation theory, University of Wüppertal
- August 28
- Triangulated structure on the category of projectives
- Summer school on preprojective algebras, Bad Driburg
- June 12
- Derived Torelli for K3 surfaces (notes)
- Summer seminar in algebraic geometry, Columbia University, New York
- May 17
- The derived moduli stack of perfect complexes (notes)
- Autour de la Géométrie Algébrique Dérivée, Paris VII
- April 12
- Differential graded categories (notes)
- Autour de la Géométrie Algébrique Dérivée, Paris VII