June 25
Representation-theoretic algorithms for algebraic geometry
Heidelberg Experimental Geometry Lab seminar, Heidelberg
April 23
Algorithms for quivers and quiver moduli
Netherlands Mathematical Congress, Soesterberg
April 2
Fano moduli for curves and quivers
Fano varieties in Stavanger, Stavanger
February 4
Moduli of vector bundles and quiver representations
Mathematical Institute Colloquium, Utrecht
January 14
Noncommutative plane curves through the looking glass
Algebraic geometry seminar, Utrecht


December 10
Noncommutative plane curves through the looking glass
Cologne Algebra and Representation Theory Seminar, Cologne
November 25
A novel topological quantum field theory in mirror symmetry
Geometry & Topology seminar, Luxembourg
September 13
Hochschild cohomology of Hilbert schemes of points
DT theory and derived categories, Paris
June 25
A panorama of quiver moduli
Moselle--Upper Rhine Algebraic Geometry Seminar, Strasbourg
April 24
Hochschild cohomology of Hilbert schemes of points
LAGOON seminar (online)
April 18
Hochschild cohomology of Hilbert schemes of points
Hochschild cohomology and applications, Oberwolfach
March 20
Hochschild cohomology of Hilbert schemes of points
Séminaire ALPE, Montpellier
February 6
Chow rings, geometry and derived categories of quiver moduli
Academia Sinica (online)
January 24
Deformations, symmetries, and derived categories of quiver moduli
Fano and hyperkähler varieties in Genova


December 20
Similarities between moduli of vector bundles on curves and quiver representations
Young Scholar Day, Belgian Mathematical Society
September 13
Hochschild cohomology of Hilbert schemes of points
Radboud University, Nijmegen
June 29
Deformations and derived categories of quiver moduli
Seminar Algebraic Geometry, Max Planck Institute
February 13
Graph potentials, TQFTs and mirror symmetry
Centre for Quantum Mathematics at the University of Southern Denmark
January 10
Hochschild cohomology of Hilbert schemes of points
Fano varieties and hyperkähler varieties, Strasbourg


December 14
Quiver GIT without the GIT
Geometric representation theory and quantum topology, Paris
November 23
Hochschild cohomology of symmetric quotient stacks
Algebraic geometry and representation theory Oberseminar, University of Paderborn
September 9
Mirror symmetry for moduli of rank 2 bundles on curves
Algebraic geometry seminar, University of Bogotá
August 25
Mirror symmetry for moduli of rank 2 bundles on curves
Geometry and quantum theory: Graduate school and colloquium, Utrecht
July 14
Mirror symmetry for moduli of rank 2 bundles on curves
Algebraic geometry: moduli spaces, birational geometry and derived aspects, Oberwolfach
June 30
Homological projective duality for the Segre cubic
Derived categories and birational geometry, University of Milan
May 3
Projectivity of good moduli spaces of semistable quiver representations and vector bundles
Interactions between algebraic geometry and noncommutative algebra, Oberwolfach
February 9
Graph potentials, TQFTs and mirror partners
Algebraic geometry seminar, Goethe Universität Frankurt


November 16
The noncommutative Hirzebruch isomorphism for exotic noncommutative surfaces
Derived seminar (online)
September 8
Rozansky–Witten invariants of hyperkähler manifolds
Hausdorff school on Hyperkähler geometry, University of Bonn
June 15
Hochschild cohomology of Fano 3-folds
Emmy Noether Kolloquium (online), University of Mainz
June 1
Automorphisms and deformations of Hilbert schemes of points on surfaces
Online seminar, Chennai Mathematical Institute
February 4
Hochschild cohomology of partial flag varieties and Fano 3-folds
Online Algebraic Geometry Seminar (online), Nottingham University


November 18
Moduli spaces of semiorthogonal decompositions
Geometry – Algebra seminar (online), University of Edinburgh
November 11
Graph potentials as mirrors to moduli of vector bundles on curves
Algebra seminar (online), Rutgers University
October 9
Graph potentials as mirrors to moduli of vector bundles on curves
Geometry & Topology seminar (online), Imperial College
October 6
Graph potentials as mirrors to moduli of vector bundles on curves
Freemath seminar (online)
July 13
How do semiorthogonal decompositions behave in families?
Moduli spaces, birational geometry and derived aspects, Oberwolfach
July 3
Geometrisation of solutions of the associative Yang–Baxter equation (after Polishchuk)
arXiv seminar in representation theory (online), University of Bonn
June 16
Pfaffian–Grassmannian duality
Homological projective duality seminar (online), University of Bonn
June 5
The quadratic Fano correspondence for cubic hypersurfaces via derived categories
Algebraic geometry seminar (online), University of Hannover
February 19
Moduli spaces of semiorthogonal decompositions
Derived categories and geometry of algebraic varieties, TIFR, Mumbai


December 13
Deformations of Hilbert schemes of points through derived categories
Algebraic geometry seminar, University of Freiburg
December 3
Deformations of Hilbert schemes of points through derived categories
Algebraic geometry seminar, University of Birmingham
November 26
Nakajima quiver varieties and their fixed points
Quantum groups and quantum cohomology of symplectic varieties, University of Bonn
September 12
Indecomposability for symmetric powers of curves
The geometry of derived categories, Liverpool
June 25
Deformations of Hilbert schemes of points through derived categories
Workshop on derived categories, moduli spaces and deformation theory, Cetraro
June 18
Fano visitors and hyperkähler varieties
SFB Seminar on Problems and recent developments in hyperkähler geometry, University of Bonn
June 5
Deformations of Hilbert schemes of points through derived categories
Arithmetic and algebraic geometry seminar, University of Amsterdam
May 31
The 2-category $\operatorname{Hilb}S$
Heisenberg categorification seminar, Bonn
May 29
Deformations of Hilbert schemes of points through derived categories
Algebraic and arithmetic geometry Oberseminar, University of Bielefeld
March 26
Derived categories of Hilbert schemes and moduli of vector bundles
One day of algebraic geometry, University of Milan
January 21
Deformation theory of Hilbert squares through derived categories
Algebraic geometry seminar, University of Marburg
January 9
Hochschild cohomology of partial flag varieties
Algebra seminar, University of Glasgow


November 30
Noncommutative projective planes and Hilbert schemes of points
Emmy Noether seminar, University of Erlangen
November 28
Deformation theory of Hilbert squares through derived categories
Algebraic geometry seminar, University of Augsburg
June 21
Derived categories of moduli of vector bundles on a curve
Seminar Algebraic Geometry, Max Planck Institute
May 31
Derived categories of moduli of sheaves on curves
Interactions between algebraic geometry and noncommutative algebra, Oberwolfach
April 19
Moduli of sheaves on (noncommutative) surfaces
Workshop: Sheaves, curves, and moduli, University of Stavanger
March 16
A semiorthogonal decomposition for moduli of vector bundles on a curve?
Antwerp Algebra seminar, University of Antwerp
March 13
Deformations of Hilbert schemes of points
Geometry and algebra, geometry and analysis (GAGA) seminar, University of Utrecht


December 15
Surface-like algebras of rank 4 and blowups in fat points
Oberseminar Representation theory, University of Bonn
November 23
Hilbert schemes of points and the Hochschild–Kostant–Rosenberg decomposition
Kolloquium, University of Mainz
November 20
Deformations of Hilbert schemes and the Hochschild cohomology of surfaces
Oberseminar Algebraic geometry, University of Bochum
September 26
Blowups in fat points and Hirzebruch surfaces
Noncommutative algebraic geometry and related topics, RIMS, Kyoto
September 9
Hochschild-Kostant-Rosenberg decomposition versus noncommutative surfaces
Vector bundles on algebraic curves, University of Essen
June 27
Derived categories of noncommutative quadrics and Hilbert schemes of points
Séminaire de Géométrie algébrique, champs et homotopie, University of Toulouse
June 13
A class of noncommutative Hirzebruch surfaces
Algebra seminar, Free University of Brussels
June 2
Fully faithful functors versus Hochschild-Kostant-Rosenberg
Derived noncommutative geometry, University of Bonn
April 21
Hochschild cohomology of noncommutative planes and quadrics
Representation theory seminar, University of Bielefeld
March 30
Jacobi polynomials, flag varieties and Hochschild cohomology
Algebra seminar, University of Ghent
March 21
Exceptional collections, mutations and Serre functors (preseminar)
Construction of noncommutative surfaces of rank 4
MAXIMALS, University of Edinburgh
March 17
Borel–Weil–Bott, Jacobi polynomials and Hochschild cohomology
Antwerp Algebra Seminar, University of Antwerp


December 5
Hilbert schemes of points, and noncommutative planes and quadrics
Generalized geometry and noncommutative algebra, Oxford University
October 28
Hochschild cohomology of noncommutative planes and quadrics
Representation theory seminar, University of Bonn
September 12
Hochschild cohomology of noncommutative planes and quadrics
Bridges between noncommutative algebra and algebraic geometry, Banff
June 7
Geometricity of noncommutative quadrics and Orlov's conjecture
Seminar in Algebra, Geometry and Quantization, Université de Luxembourg
March 11
Deformations of abelian categories and commutative embeddings of noncommutative quadrics
Topology seminar, Université de Lille 1
March 4
Derived categories of noncommutative quadrics and Hilbert schemes of points
Antwerp Algebra Seminar, University of Antwerp


October 13
Derived categories of noncommutative quadrics and Hilbert schemes of points
Algebraic structures of Hochschild complexes, University of Copenhagen
July 9
Derived categories of noncommutative quadrics and Hilbert schemes of points (video)
Workshop on Geometric Algebra, Fields Institute, Toronto


October 31
Quivers of strong exceptional collections on smooth projective varieties
Antwerp Algebra Seminar, University of Antwerp
September 22
Quivers of exceptional collections on smooth projective varieties (poster)
poster presentation at the British Algebraic Geometry meeting, University of Warwick
series of four lectures on Grothendieck duality (notes)
Antwerp Algebraic Geometry, Rings And More Seminar, University of Antwerp


November 20
The $(\infty,1)$-topos of derived stacks (notes)
Winter school on derived algebraic geometry, Flumserberg
October 9
Understanding $\mathbf{D}^{\mathrm{b}}(kQ)$ using moduli spaces (slides)
Young researchers in representation theory, University of Wüppertal
October 9
The moduli space of finite-dimensional algebras
Young researchers in representation theory, University of Wüppertal
August 28
Triangulated structure on the category of projectives
Summer school on preprojective algebras, Bad Driburg
June 12
Derived Torelli for K3 surfaces (notes)
Summer seminar in algebraic geometry, Columbia University, New York
May 17
The derived moduli stack of perfect complexes (notes)
Autour de la Géométrie Algébrique Dérivée, Paris VII
April 12
Differential graded categories (notes)
Autour de la Géométrie Algébrique Dérivée, Paris VII