about me

I am an assistant professor at the Utrecht University. What I did before this can be read below.
My mathematical interests are in algebraic geometry, representation theory, and noncommutative algebra, in particular I like to think about:
- the structure of derived categories, via exceptional collections and semiorthogonal decompositions
- deformation theory and Hochschild cohomology
- moduli spaces of sheaves on (noncommutative) varieties
- representation theory of finite-dimensional algebras and algebraic groups
- ...
Besides mathematics, I am interested in LaTeX (and typesetting in general). I also like playing classical guitar and reading.
In reverse chronological order, I was
assistant professor at a University of Luxembourg
a wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter at the University of Bonn in the algebra and representation theory group,
and simultaneously an FWO postdoc at the University of Antwerp and University of Hasselta postdoc at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in Bonn
a PhD fellow (of the Research Foundation—Flanders) in mathematics, in the research group on fundamental mathematics, at the University of Antwerp. In 2017 I defended my thesis Connections between commutative and noncommutative algebraic geometry, written under the supervision of Wendy Lowen and Michel Van den Bergh.
a master student at École Polytechnique, where I wrote a mémoire On the homotopy theory of dg categories under the supervision of Bernhard Keller
What happened before that is hidden in the mists of time. It involved computers.