The information on this page is no longer current, after my move to Utrecht University.

Experimental Mathematics Lab

Together with Gabor Wiese I'm in charge of the Experimental Mathematics Lab at the University of Luxembourg. On its webpage you can find lots of beautiful work done by students over the past 10+ years, go check it out!

Upper Rhine and Tributaries Algebraic Geometry Seminar

Together with several other universities which are loosely situated along the Upper Rhine and its tributaries (hence the funny name) we are organising a joint seminar. For all information, see There are 3 meetings per year foreseen, twice in Strasbourg (which is centrally located) and once in one of the other organising universities. I hope to meet you there!

Classified Mathematics

This was an outreach project that was implemented in 2021 and 2022, and continues to this day. For more information one is referred to the dedicated page.