Fortnightly links (147)
Kyoung-Seog Lee, Han-Bom Moon: Derived category and ACM bundles of moduli space of vector bundles on a curve discusses one of my favourite questions (when is there an embedding of the derived category of a variety into the derived category of an associated moduli space of objets), and shows that there is such an embedding for any curve of genus $g\geq 2$, for the moduli space of stable rank $r$ bundles with fixed determinant of degree coprime to $r$. This result is the endpoint in a search for such an embedding, which started with $r=2$ due to Narasimhan and Fonarev–Kuznetsov. Great!
Thorsten Beckmann: Atomic objects on hyper-Kähler manifolds is a wonderful paper on modern aspects of hyperkähler varieties, and it's hard for me to do justice to its various aspects. For a pedestrian like myself, the highlight is Theorem 1.9: there are no spherical objects on hyperkähler varieties of $\mathrm{K}3^{[n]}$ or $\mathrm{OG}_{10}$-type!
This Wikipedia of Algebraic Geometry Will Forever Be Incomplete. That’s the Point. is an article in the Columbia News about the Stacks project. Check it out, if only for Johan's dress choice.