Fortnightly links (89)
The last edition of fortnightly links was more an edition of monthly links it turns out, but we are back in business now.
Matteo Altavilla, Marin Petkovic, Franco Rota: Moduli spaces on the Kuznetsov component of Fano threefolds of index 2 (im)proves a categorical Torelli theorem for the Kuznetsov component in the del Pezzo 3-fold of degree 2, by explaining the geometry of moduli spaces of Bridgeland-stable objects in the Kuznetsov component.
Michael Wong: Dimer models and Hochschild cohomology is a really interesting preprint, and its preliminaries are a very good introduction to the theory of dimer models. Highly recommended reading.
Pamela E. Harris, Marissa Loving, Juan Ramirez, Joseph Rennie, Gordon Rojas Kirby, Eduardo Torres Davila, Fabrice O. Ulysse: Visualizing the support of Kostant's weight multiplicity formula for the rank two Lie algebras contains some marvellous visualisations of weight multiplicities for representations of $\mathfrak{sl}_3$, $\mathfrak{so}_4$, $\mathfrak{so}_5$, $\mathfrak{sp}_4$ and $\mathfrak{g}_2$.