• Ben Webster, Philsang Yoo: 3-dimensional mirror symmetry is an extended version of a Notices of AMS article which isn't out yet (I think), in which the authors explain 3-dimensional mirror symmetry, which is also known as symplectic duality. I remember being confused several years ago about the relationship between 2d and 3d mirror symmetry, and whilst that confusion has been cleared up since then, this article was still a really interesting read!

  • A translation project for SGA is what it says on the nose. It uses Bookdown, so it is not written in LaTeX, but rather some Markdown + LaTeX hybrid. Cool!

  • Hiromu Tanaka: Fano threefolds in positive characteristic I, II, III (with Masaya Asai), IV is a sequence of papers covering many details of the classification of Fano 3-folds in positive characteristic. I will try to figure out what needs to be changed on Fanography in order for it to cover the positive characteristic case too.