Fortnightly links (145)
Alexander Kasprzyk, Victor Przyjalkowski: Laurent polynomials in Mirror Symmetry: why and how? is an amazing survey on mirror symmetry for Fano varieties, which involves Laurent polynomials and Landau–Ginzburg models constructed by gluing these. Over the past years I've started to enjoy this topic a lot, and this survey is a great read!
Nicolas Perrin, Maxim Smirnov: On the big quantum cohomology of coadjoint varieties is a paper I've heard bits and pieces from in discussions with the second author and it's great to see it live now. They discuss Dubrovin's conjecture (which relates generic semisimplicity of big quantum cohomology to the existence of an exceptional collection) by studying the finer structure of the small quantum cohomology and the properties of Lefschetz structures on the derived category. I'll be updating soon to reflect this advance.
Gerard van der Geer: Curves over finite fields and moduli spaces is a survey paper by someone who is technically my neighbour nowadays (in the technical sense that he is a guest professor in Luxembourg and his name is on an office door down the hall, but we haven't met yet) on some algebraic geometry I rarely interact with, but it is a very pleasant and interesting read.