Fortnightly links (134)
Xun Lin: On nonexistence of semi-orthogonal decompositions in algebraic geometry gives an upgraded indecomposability criterion for derived categories of smooth projective varieties (and even some singular ones), which allows them to prove that $\mathbf{D}^{\mathrm{b}}(\operatorname{Sym}^iC)$ is indecomposable for $i\leq g-1$. That is a great result that I was hoping would see a proof soon!
Qingyuan Jiang: Derived categories of Quot schemes of locally free quotients, I is a great (in content and size) preprint constructing semiorthogonal decompositions for many situations in algebraic geometry, which somehow involve a Quot scheme. This will certainly lead to interesting applications.
Maxim Smirnov: On the derived category of the adjoint Grassmannian of type F tops of a very semiorthogonal fortnightly links, with Maxim constructing a full exceptional collection for the adjoint Grassmannian in type F4. Based on the methods I can hope that we see E6/P2 and E7/P7 (and maybe E7/P1 and even E8/P8) being tackled soon too. The may you live in interesting times was cast upon me when it comes to this exciting question!