Fortnightly links (98)
MathFiction is a collection of literature which involves mathematics or mathematicians in one way or another. Have fun browsing around and looking for good things to read!
Weiqiang He, Alexander Polishchuk, Yefeng Shen, Arkady Vaintrob: A Landau-Ginzburg mirror theorem via matrix factorizations proves an all-genus mirror theorem for invertible quasihomogeneous singularities. I'm far from an expert on these matters, but having an all-genus mirror theorem sounds like a very strong result. I'm not aware of any other settings in which this is known (but I am far from an expert). Cool stuff!
Benjamin Antieau, Elden Elmanto: Descent for semiorthogonal decompositions shows in complete generality that semiorthogonal decompositions are determined fppf locally. There existed various results of this nature in the literature, but this proves it in all settings. It also works for arbitrary shapes, and I'm looking forward to understanding this in some examples!
I must add that we are currently finishing a preprint which proves something of a similar nature, in a more restricted setting giving a stronger description of the resulting fppf stack. Stay tuned for that!