Introducing Kerodon
For the new Stacks project website I created Gerby, a combination of a plasTeX fork and a Flask website to create online views for large LaTeX documents with a permanent reference system (also known as tags). From the beginning we intended it to be applicable to at least 1 other project: an online view for the works of Jacob Lurie.
This is now live, as Kerodon. Currently it contains 1 chapter: The Language of $\infty$-Categories. Gradually this will increase, as more material is prepared to be included in Kerodon.
Let me know if you have comments or suggestions.
It's a complete coincidence that Fanography and Kerodon were released just 2 days apart, as Kerodon has been in the making for more than a year (although the hard work only started 2 months ago). I will give you fortnightly links tomorrow.