Fortnightly links (66)
Dmitrii Pirozhkov, Semiorthogonal decompositions on total spaces of tautological bundles is a nice preprint, generalising Orlov's blowup formula to a situation which outside a closed subscheme is a projective bundle, not an isomorphism. The exposition makes it well worth reading.
Maths prodigy comes home to establish $5 million world-class maths centre, where the maths prodigy in question is Geordie Williamson and home refers to Australia, is a newspaper article about how the Australian government has set up an analogue of the Max Planck Institute. It mostly concerns the personal history of Geordie, whose early life reads somewhat like a The Famous Five novel.
Mihnea Popa, D-modules in birational geometry is another ICM proceedings. I don't know how these things go in practice, but this one seems to be post-proof, see page 12. So are the ICM proceedings actually already available during the ICM?