Fortnightly links (58)
Now even 5 days late, but I can blame it on the conference that I was attending.
Lecture notes for the conference "Birational geometry of hypersurfaces" contains lecture notes by Colliot-Thélène and slides by Huybrechts for their lectures in this school. The lecture notes by Colliot-Thélène are very detailed, whilst the slides by Huybrechts can always be accompanied by his lecture notes in progress for the course on cubic hypersurfaces.
Currently there is a seminar on noncommutative Hodge theory happening at the University of Edinburgh, and Brent Pym is typing up lecture notes as it progresses. Awesome!
I've mentioned Xena before. She now has commented on the Stacks project website (via Kevin Buzzard) highlighting a minor mistake she has found whilst formalising things from the Stacks project.