Fortnightly links (28)
In case you are wondering why there's only fortnightly links lately, and not any other blogposts: I'm in full PhD thesis writing mode.
If you want to learn about Fulton's trace formula, there's Lenny Taelman's Sheaves and functions modulo $p$ (also published), and Daniel Litt's short overview.
FD-Atlas is a collection of classes of finite-dimensional algebras, managed by Jan Schroër. I like canonical algebras, I guess because I'm actually an algebraic geometer that likes exceptional collections. Which one is your favourite?
Toën–Vezzosi, Géométrie non-commutative, formule des traces et conducteur de Bloch is a summary about the proposed proof of Bloch's conductor formula, using noncommutative and derived algebraic geometry. I think this is one of the most exciting things to happen in my area interest, which explains why I've previously blogged about this (1, 2). I wouldn't have mentioned it again, but it will also be the subject of Bertrand's lecture series at the Hausdorff School on derived noncommutative geometry.