Fortnightly links (12)
Dmitry Orlov, Gluing of categories and Krull–Schmidt partners is a very short paper (just 4 pages) that discusses a neat construction of what Orlov calls Krull–Schmidt partners: given a semi-orthogonal decomposition produce a (different) fully faithful functor, giving rise to a possibly new semi-orthogonal complement. Fun!
Tamás Szamuely and Gergely Zábrádi, The p-adic Hodge decomposition according to Beilinson is survey article of recent development in p-adic Hodge theory. I only read the introduction (it is a bit outside my comfort zone), but I really liked the appearance of the h-topology in which an algebraic version of the Poincaré lemma becomes true.
William Stein announces at the Benjamin Peirce centennial conference that he will leave academia and focus on making a company built on top of the open-source software Sage a success (video).