Antwerp ACM Student Chapter and Te(ch/X)Talks
At the University of Antwerp we (a group of 4 students) started a Student Chapter, in order to facilitate computer science-related activities. And last week we had our first TechTalk, in which I gave a little TeXTalk. I gave a quick overview of TeX's and LaTeX's history and tried to make clear the distinction between stuff like pdftex
and the pdfLaTeX macro set. For archiving purposes it (and all the other talks) is listed at the official website which is due to move in a few days or weeks to the ACM webspace so expect this link to go down (unless I fix it when due).
And I can announce that we'll be organizing a full-fledged LaTeX course. The how-what-when of it is not yet determined, but expect to hear more from this. I would love to use the TeXBook as course material, but I'm afraid people that want to use LaTeX to produce mathematical documents are not that interested in stuff like glue... Guess I better stick to A (Not So) Short Introduction to LaTeX2e so in a few weeks or months (the when is still to be determined you know :)) I'll be posting the presentations.